Current Clients

This page is for current clients to book their subsequent prenatal visits with me, after they have booked into care with me and had their first official meeting with me as a client.

Holistic Birth Care Clients

You will have visits once a month from hire up until birth. If you are choosing the option to take the Birth At Home prenatal classes with me for free, we will skip one-on-one visits for the two months that I will see you in prenatal class.

Please schedule one of these visits with Kaz.

Doula Care Clients

You will  have 2-3 visits total (not including the free initial consultation we had) on the following schedule:

  • once your prenatal classes have finished (if not taking the Birth at Home classes with me) OR at 35 weeks of pregnancy, whichever comes FIRST.
  • at approximately 36 weeks of pregnancy – please schedule this visit with Kaz.
  • at 41 weeks of pregnancy (unless you’ve already given birth!).

Schedule A Prenatal Visit: