Tag: Water Birth

Ooops, I touched a baby!

Oh, no, I got caught! I’m known for my “hands-off” philosophy towards birth, meaning avoiding disturbances of the instinctual processes of mother and baby unless absolutely necessary. This includes even subtle things like touching the baby or talking unnecessarily immediately after the birth. The initial moments post-birth are precious and part of an instinctual process as the family meets their… Read more →

Birth From Two Angles: A mother and father share their home birth story

Earlier this month I got to attend a beautiful home birth with a really fun couple AND my good bud Morag Hastings from Apple Blossom Families. Occasionally we tag-team births where I provide the birth support and she documents with her birth photography magic.  The couple, Erin and Reid, have written their story from each of their perspectives and shared… Read more →