Category: Midwifery Care in Vancouver

Does Birth Take A Wealthy Village?

I had a response to my recent blog post, Bringing Midwives, Doulas and Birth Conversation to the Mainstream from a friend: “…the problem I foresee in todays society, is that until you wrest control from the ‘establishment’, your services will be enjoyed only by those who can afford to do so. So more to the point, it seems to me… Read more →

Do Doulas Trust Women?

Doulas and childbirth educators often talk about having a trust in women. In prenatal classes and doula visits, we encourage women to trust their intuition, trust they and their bodies know how to birth their children, trust they will intuitively do the “right” things during labour and birth. But do we always trust them? Or do we sometimes hope for… Read more →

Midwifery Month In Vancouver

November is Midwifery Month in Vancouver.  Midwifery clinics all over Vancouver are organizing free events to raise awareness about midwifery care, homebirth and  options for pregnancy, birth and postpartum. Here are the Midwifery Month events I’ll be attending.  Join me! Kegels, Bladder Control and Abdominals: What you need to know – Westside Midwives November 7, 7-9pm Waterbirth with Hedieh Montazer… Read more →