Nu7usqa: Reconciling and Decolonizing Birth

  • Create awareness and build better birth experiences for the West Coast First Nations women and families on whose territory we practice as birth attendants
  • Broaden your perspective and learn how to respect important traditions, ceremony and perspectives in traditional childbirth practices in this important workshop facilitated by members of the Indigenous Doula Collective.

Smaw ti slq’ilh – one heart one mind

  • Opening Prayer, Smudging. Nuxalk Prayer: acknowledge territories, give thanks, cleanse our spirits, promote healing, open our minds, and create a safe place for workshop participants
  • First Nations women will share their personal experiences of pregnancy, birth and postpartum and the resources, support and discrimination they experienced
  • The importance of ceremony in childbirth
  • The cultural significance of Aunties, Mothers and Grandmothers traditionally being present at births
  • Creating sacred space
  • Treatment of the placenta
  • The importance of mother
  • The medicine wheel: spiritual, mental, physical, emotional wellness wheel
  • Discussion: How do we move forward? How can we create awareness, uphold our women, and promote the medicine wheel philosophy?

Your facilitator for the training:

18339581_10154327418410583_1481030836_oMarissa Charlie

Marissa is an Indigenous Doula coming from the Nisga’a and Nuxalk Nations, now working within the lower mainland she is passionate about helping mothers learn about there rights to practicing tradition, having a spiritual connection with their bodies, and having a ceremonial Birth. Marissa always brings additional speakers with her to share their collective wisdom on this important topic. 

Event Details

Sunday, November 25th, 2018 from 5-7pm PST

ONLINE CLASS. Live participation is encouraged, but recordings and resources will be available to those who pre-register.

$40 per person, or $30 per person if you are a Wise Woman Way of Birth grad. Use coupon code WWONLINE if you qualify for the discount. 

Register Now

OR, purchase our complete MORE WISE continuing education series to save $$$ and invest in a deeper, more effective, more professional doula practice.

Learn more about the full MORE WISE program OR Register me Now for the Decolonizing Birth Class!