43 Week Rural Home Birth

Our baby boy decided to land on the earth under the star of his choice, Wednesday September 5th at 3:07am, at home on Bowen Island. 8.1 pounds, and not a day overdue at 43 weeks.

Onyx Ganada (Raven) Davidson, Your pregnancy and birth has given me the vitality, strength, power, wholeness, and spiritual awe I’ve striven to achieve my whole life. You are the Raven who brought me light.  The adoration you show me in the depths of your eyes feels like the deepest display of gratitude for listening to your wisdom when no one else would.

“Hold me now
Because I’m tired here
Coming down slowly
From the life that I lived
Into your arms
Side by side again
So many lifetimes
So many changes in the wind
We go on and on
From our forefathers
Sharing their stories
Sharing their traits as we tread

And it’s you I see
When I close my eyes
Coming down slowly
Wings open wide
My angel love
The one I’ve waited for
Whispering softly
To the depths of my soul, 
this is love”

Xavier Rudd, True love

I thought I might contribute a MASSIVE shout out to the woman who helped me bring both of my babes into the world, Jessica. Her support, knowledge, power, presence, and beyond were all the reasons why I very safely and beautifully birthed both of my babes at home on Bowen island. The first born at 42 weeks and the second at 43 weeks.

She helped me stay focused on my intuition, the communication from my body along with the hard facts from science and believed in me that everything I was choosing to do was actually the safest route for my births. I love you Jess. I wish all babies could have your magic presence upon their first breaths. 

Here’s my magnificent placenta. This powerful organ and it’s rare shape helped grow a perfect extremely healthy boy.

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May I invite you to consider that your thoughtful texts of “Any news?” “Baby yet?” “Any signs?” are likely driving the pregnant folks around ya insane, despite your best intentions? People nearing or passing their “due” date spend most of their day trying NOT to be in a constant limbo state of wondering “when is this baby coming?!”, trying NOT to read too much into every little change in their body that could mean something or could mean nothing about when the little babe might come. . ESPECIALLY people who are passed their “due date”, or those who are having their 2nd,3rd+ babes…. Did you know that MOST first babies (and many others) come at LEAST a week or more past their official due date, AND that most 2nd+ pregnancies come with lots of pre-birth cramping and other signs that can make people feel like the baby might be coming any moment or day for WEEKS (or months!) before things finally shift over the tipping point and into active birthin’? Trust me, no one is more aware of how far along they are in the pregnancy than the birthing person themselves! Your pregnant friends and family members are just regular humans trying to live their lives in the world. They know you love ‘em and are only texting ‘cuz you care, but may I suggest texts that say, “Hey, want to go for a walk?” “Feel like a play date with our older kiddos?” “What are you up to this weekend?” instead of ones that make the pregnant person you love so much want to avoid looking at her phone or leaving her house because every time she manages a moment of mental reprieve from trying to predict when she’ll meet her baby, the whole world points her mind right back in that direction. Have patience – you’ll get a birth announcement and cute baby photo sent your way one of these days! Remember your friend / sister / colleague is still a human with more to talk about and think about than her ability to produce a future new person (tho that IS pretty rad), and sometimes helping her remember that instead of being one more person asking “have you had that baby yet?” is the most loving thing you can do. ❤️ #pregnancy #duedates #waitingforbabies #haveyouhadthatbabyyet

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